<aside> 💡 The information detailed here will help guide us in crafting all of your designs, so answer the best you can!


🚀 Company Mission

In only 1-3 sentences, describe your company’s mission. In ten years, what do you hope your company will have achieved?

❤️ Value Proposition

What unique value do your company’s products provide? Why would a customer choose you over a competitor?

👤 Ideal Customer

Who is your ideal customer? Think about information such as how old they are, what interests they might have, and what industry they work in. Try to be as detailed as possible.

🥊 Competition

Who are your leading competitors in your industry?

💬 Adjectives

If you could capture your brand using five adjectives, what would they be?

Example: Apple = futuristic, different, minimalist, elegant, and innovative.

🧠 Emotions

What kind of emotions do you want your customers to feel when they think of your brand?

Example: Nike = energized, motivated, healthy